Wednesday, October 12, 2005

pk: American Heretic

I’m all for reason.
(Well, not quite all.)

I agree with Voltaire that reason is occasionally possible. We can point out numerous examples of its appearance in a host of individuals: Newton, Einstein, Korzybski, Wason ...
Now: show me a coalition of individuals ever being reasonable. I don’t see reason manifesting in groups. (Witness Congress, the Nobel selection committee ...)

Anyhow, here, I’ve got to shove in this key consideration: What Americans hold to be self-evident truth, isn’t that all men are created or that all men are equal, but that society is FIXable! (Let me get my million, my dozen million, my hundred million, and THEN give the niggers another dollar in welfare.)

I bailed out of being Christian a long time ago, and I never swallowed Original Sin, but my enduring stance is not that much different from the Christian bottom line: If you’re looking for justice, don’t look for it here.

I’ve more to say on this as well ("this" following from my Swift Enlightenment post of a moment ago), but, as I want to drag in another key consideration, I’ll post it in a third block: Can Evidence Be Destroyed?

The set will be:
Swift Enlightenment
pk: American Heretic
Can Evidence Be Destroyed?

PS In 1970 I too believed that society was FIXable: and my FLEX, supposed to become FIX, would have done it, or tried, given a chance. I still believe that society was FIXable in 1970, but that the public's non-choice choices put FIXing forever out of reach.
In other words (another ad nauseum iteration): At some point it's too late to stop smoking, you've GOT cancer. The world will still be full of people telling you to quit, but the people you needed to listen to where the ones who were saying it before your "ten-thousandth" cigarette.
I don't doubt that we'll put everything we have into stopping global warming: after it's too late. And (a) Bush will lead us.

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