Saturday, November 28, 2009

Secular Absolution

"Te absolvo," says the priest to the sinner. "I absolve you." The Church spreads this idea that God can forgive sin and that God delegates his powers to the Church and the Church passes the miracle along to the priest.

That was once upon a time. The sinner could exploit the peasants, starve the workers, rape the virgin ... give a coin to the priest to help build St. Peter's Basilica, and the priest could say, "I absolve you." God was supposed to have to make good on it. (Who do you sue if he doesn't? The priest is personally without property: the Church owns all the property. Besides, you're dead before you realize you've been deceived: and of course the Church doesn't believe its own lies, or it would realize that all the defrauded souls would start howling.) (Besides: starving workers wasn't "sin"; sin was sacrificing to Baal, or eating pork, sacrificing a lamb with a a flaw, a mark on it, ... sin was holding your dick with your right hand ... failing to observe some taboo, failing to be precise in some ritual ...)

But now God isn't God: now the State is God. No one gives a shit about divine grace. No: we want secular salvation: from our secular god, the State: and the state buys our love with secular absolution: we steal a continent from the natives, Washington forgives us as we do it. We waste God's grace: Washington forgives us.

The State is the kleptocrats' proxy thief. DC steals cybernetic networking of the public from Jesus-Illich-pk, but perverts it into the planned obsolescence already reigning. But then the kleptocrats' thief absolves the kleptocrats. The left hand knoweth not what the right hand doeth: or pretends not to.

more, smoother, later

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