Saturday, January 01, 2011

pk Profile 2011

pk here. I'm the man who believes what I believed as a boy: that the state had no right put me – or anyone else – in school.

I'm the writer who believes that it's past time to take Jesus down off the cross, to stop torturing him, to stop perverting god, the truth, the nature of reality. Given sixty years to try, publishers have never published any of it.

I'm the scholar who reads Shakespeare's sonnets by mapping the Fair Love / Dark Lady onto the epistemological impasse between the Scholastic Realism of the Middle Ages and the heretical nominalism which gave birth to science (and modern individualism). The universities don't have a clue, interrupt me the way the public school did.

I'm the thinker who explains the universe in terms of information, complex information, processed, interpreted, multi-dimensional information, in terms of macroinformation.

I'm the reformer who offered digital librarianship, cybernetic data-basing / social networking / quality-control feedback, an anarchist internet of voluntary-only information: forty-one years ago. Corporations, the government ... waited: then stole it.

Sick of kleptocracy, of thieves in charge, I wrote a satire: and to jail I went: censored, my thousands of essays stripped from the kleptocracy's plagiarized internet. How did the government come to be in charge of what CERN, the Pentagon, and MIT had stolen from god, from Christ, from Ivan Illich, from me? And from you!

Note: none of my messages have been received; all were interfered with!

Now I have only one message:
None of my messages have been received!

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