Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Law: Nature, God, Science, Society

If scientific law and nature's law and God's law are not one and the same then is there something wrong with science? or nature? or God? or the society which has such concepts?

That's what I just wrote among my Law quotes at my pKnatzQuotes blog. I hope the statement implies the essay that belongs with it. I post the statement here where such an essay might develop.

Initially I'll say only that I don't believe that human governments, kleptocracies all (these days) are competent to administer science: and if we don't know what the truth is, how can we write laws? how can we hear laws? I don't trust the Church's word on God; I don't trust the US' word on what the "people" say; I don't trust the Times to know or tell the "news"; I don't trust schools to know what science is: and that includes Harvard, MIT!

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