Sunday, August 22, 2010

Double Negative

Double Negative

The kid causes trouble at school. Some neighbors hear that the school is giving the kid stimulants. Huh? No, no: the culture wants the school to pacify the kid, so all the kids can be pacified: whaddrthey giving the kid stimulants for?

Because the pharms figure that what makes the kid hyperactive is hypo-activity of some behavioral repressor: maybe if the repressor is stimulated it will let the kid inhibit himself, naturally. Ah: behaviorism of a level more sophisticated than we're used to in the old simple-minded culture: the cue ball hits the eight ball, the eight ball drops into the side pocket; we're no more used to complex causes than we are to multiple body problems: we can handle Joe and Marilyn, but not one million people on the subway, everybody hand forced against somebody else's something or other.

Bear with me: I broaden the base:
The school teacher says that "two negatives make a positive." She illustrates,"I ain't gonna do that nohow" means that that non-standard-written-English speaker is going to do it! No, no, no, lady: lots of negatives mean negative, Negative, NEGATIVE. They're connected in parallel, not in series. (With batteries, series connection boosts the amperes; parallel connection deepens the voltage, it doesn't multiply the current.)

That's a start. I'll join my targets next time, forging a new metaphor.

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