Friday, March 11, 2011

Today's Thought

Recently I've been posting News files in which I share news from the web. I've been making a new one each month. Now I think I'll similarly post a Thought of the Day page.

What may be true in the long run lacks bearing on those of us in the short run.

The society says the cops are there to protect the weak: but the lynchers know that the cops are there to protect them: the lynchers.

What does Big Brother want us to think? ( ie, to pretend to think.)
I know, That we're Individuals! That we're intelligent! That we're honest!

Church: a conspiracy against god, to allow humans to declare that their group is saved, pretending to speak for god. Jesus couldn't get a word in edgewise with the Temple. Other angels can't get a word in against the claimant groups. (Similarly a citizen cannot get a word into a democracy: unless it's clear to all that he displays the prescribed delusions.)

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