Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Knatz.com was big on the concepts of misrepresentation and mislabeling. Knatz.com got deposed: domino-censored, in the wake of federal censorship of my AgainstHierarchy.org. My unconstitutional arrest and subsequent parole is now over. Of course they can arrest me again, but their threat of constantly watching me is now officially expired.

Before my arrest I'd featured some Knatz.com modules by posting them here at IonaArc. Since my release I've added a couple, then others at my PaulKnatz blog. But I haven't get gotten to add my pieces on mislabeling and misrepresentation.

The Christian story shows the Temple of Jerusalem pretending to represent God while instigating to get Jesus crucified. The Temple of Jerusalem still exists, is still in business.
Ivan Illich said similar (that is to say, profoundly Christian) things about the Roman Catholic Church. (He himself was a priest, a monseigneur!) The Roman Catholic Church pretends to represent Jesus Christ. It's claim is not better based than the claims of the Temple of Jerusalem.

Jesus got crucified.
Illich got defrocked, the rug pulled from under him.

I, pk, a disciple of Jesus (via Ivan Illich and direclty) say that the United States pretends to represent the people of America but that we, US, do not. We do not represent God or Jesus or the People. We are thieves, kleptocrats. We are the damned.

We, as a group; not me, individually.

I'll be adding more about this: but everything I've written in the last forty years says the same things. You don't know my writing because your owners do not want you to know my writing: or Jesus' words: or God's words.

But of course there I'm doing a little mislabeling of my own: using metaphors at least, using metaphors I know the kleptocrats are constitutionally incapable of understanding: God doesn't speak in words, though all possible messages are there: here: in the universe. It takes science to read it: science rendered impossible by coercively state-run everything.

Knatz.com's Thinking Tools made this point (not yet transferred to pkTools blog):
Raymond Smullyan delighted the Johnny Carson show with a logical puzzle: say you have three containers. One holds dimes, another holds nickels, the third mixes dimes and nickels. Each is labeled: with one of the three possible lables. Each is mislabeled!
Raymond asked Johnny (and the audience): What's the fewest number of containers you have to open to figure out the correct labels: and what's the fewest number of coins that have to be examined.
And the answer is: One coin from one container: that is, one coin specifically from the mislabeled "Mixed" container.
Think about it: you'll see.

Now: Knatz.com had told that story, and made the following point: but before continuing the point, I merge with another, related point: Newton figured out the gravitational relationship of the earth and the moon. Newton figured that the earth and the moon held each other by gravitational lassoes as it were. There were two forces: gravity, holding the two bodies together, and inertia, making the two bodies want to get away from each other on a tangent, like a stone thrown from a sling. Newton decided that the two forces just balanced: and the moon and earth remained tethered. (Modern science agrees, with a slight modification: the moon is actually pulling away, slightly.
New posed and solved the species' first Two Body problem.

Writing my novel By the Hair of the Comet in 1982 ff., I wanted to calculate the ephemeris of a fictitious comet. I asked an engineer with a fondness for science fiction to help me with my Three Body problem. I wanted to use the sun's mass and Jupiter's mass to estimate a path for a comet of mass x. The engineer could only bluster. There are no solutions for three body problems. Human genius is already impressed with itself for getting a toe-hold with a Two Body problem.

Now: Raymond figured out a Three Mislabels problem: But human beings live in a world where Everything is mislabeled! There's no logic that can solve our problems.

Newton, fabulous genius: not smart enough. Raymond: very clever: not smart enough.
Illich, Fuller ... pk: not smart enough.

Now: will we live long enough to see: Is God smart enough?
Can evolution find a way for life to survive despite kleptocrats ruling everything? Crucifying gods, defrocking saints, jailing cybernetic revolutionaries.

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