Tuesday, April 14, 2009

God vs. Nature

The Bible has God tell Adam to go forth and multiply. The trouble is Adam was already going forth and multiplying all over the place, and had been for two million years before God created him. Nature, to continue with personifications, already had expansion, colonialism, a characteristic typical of species: an environment fills with one set of creatures, things change, and another set takes over. Nature though has developed creatures capable of questioning old imperatives: should we just multiply, mindlessly? Or should we pay attention to results and actually try to survive? maybe by not multiplying quite so blindly.

Humans developed intelligence. We're not the first, maybe we're not the last. But we humans did develop intelligence conspicuously. And civilization makes a big deal of human intelligence. Except that civilized man, the only humans who get much attention in the press, are precisely the ones so slow to pick up on results!

Stonewall it, said more than one presidential administration: as more than one kingdom had said it before.

Catch-22 had Yossarian working on the wound he found on Snowden. The trouble was, while Yossarian was lavishing all his attention of that wound, Snowden's guts were falling out of a different wound in his back!

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